Stay ahead of the curve:
Where business leadership and marketing collide.

Start with these two things to drive value to where you’re needed most in the capital raising process: the 1:1 engagements with prospective investors.
10 weeks before Thanksgiving hits. It’s time to saddle up for this mighty important stretch: the crucial period to attract new investors and have re-up dialogues with your existing LPs... the clock’s already ticking. Choose your battles and based on your AUM / marketing budget.
Behind the tall and thick walls of institutions, are people. Your stories on the following two pages create narratives that help you stand out from your peers…
Performance alone isn’t enough to attract an allocation. We've seen some of the best-performing funds struggle to attract investors because of “un-institutional” material (true story). After “send me your marketing deck...” happens, your presentation is on its own.
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